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Just Around The Corner : A-hole-in-the-wall for all things funky.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just Around The Coner is a small shop that houses funky and experimental treasure for women, (in terms clothing and fashion accessories). Its so small, that its almost the size of a hole-in-the-wall, but has lots to offer, especially if your style spells F.U.N.K.The store has four segments:
Street Funk,
Eco Funk.
Rang Funk (ColourFull).

The store, as per the consumer-feedback, regularly keeps adding and deleting labels from the store. So, you have a reason to visit the store at least once each month.
Currently, the store stocks the following labels:
1) Bombay2Goa
2) People Tree
3) Five Strands
4) Mint Accessories
5) Joolery
6) Haathi Chaap (yes! stationary products made of elephant poop!)

and is in process of adding more.

The products are very light and easy on the pocket. The price range is Rs.25 - Rs 400 for Joolery, Rs.350-Rs2800 for clothing, Rs.1000- Rs.2000 for big, colourful, fashionable and practical bags. Stationary is for Rs.20-Rs.400.The latest collection is regularly added on to the Facebook community and its blog.

The store address:
Just Around The Corner
Shahpur Jat
Next to Siri Fort Auditorium,
New Delhi

Contact no: +919654216252
Email: mail.justaroundthecorner@gmail.com
Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/s.php?q=Shahpur+jat&init=quick#/group.php?gid=28955412051&ref=ts
Blog link: http://www.blogger.com/profile/08348150148643433967


  1. Commercial Passed Building Space Available for RENT New Railway Road Gurgaon Haryana.
    It has 2 Lifts,Wet point and separate Bathroom gents and women are available for each floor.
    Interested in giving all the floor to one tenants and this building has commercial license passed.

    This Building is Carpet Area-21000sqft
    1. Still Floor-3500sqft
    2.Lower Basement-3500sqft
    3.First Floor-3500sqft
    4.Second Floor-3500sqft
    5.Third Floor-3500sqft
    6.Fourth Floor-3500sqft
    This Area Is Highly populated near by location Bus stand, Civil Hospital. This retail area is suitable for grossery store, coaching center, restaurants, banquet hall, office space, ample parking space is available.
    For More Contact Us:-
    Mobile No. 9711721116
